How do road names work? Cracking the code of numbers and letters
Ever stared at a road sign and wondered how road names work? What does the letter stand for, and why have they all got strange numbers? We explore how it all works and how it changes depending on where you live. Every day we drive along streets with not just road names but letters and numbers too. Where do these letters and numbers come from, though, and what are they based on? Although there are many consistencies between the states and territories, there are also some anomalies worth knowing about if you plan on travelling between them by car. RELATED: ‘Normal in Australia’: The local road signs baffling tourists Here’s the story behind our road names, who decides them and how, and why one state is bucking the alphanumeric trend. History of road names in Australia Australia has gradually been moving toward a British-style alphanumeric road names system for decades, with some states adopting it earlier than others and one not at all. Victoria introduced road nu...